
Welcome to the Daruma. Daruma is a tool used for converting, previewing, tweaking, and publishing design files, powered by the technology of VeryGoodGraphics.

With Daruma, you can easily parse design files from popular design tools such as Figma, Sketch, and Adobe Illustrator without installing them. It allows you to extract both static and dynamic data from design files in JSON format and provides high-quality previews of artboards and other elements.

Additionally, Daruma is the starting point for you to use VGG toolkit to develop VGG applications.

Daruma offers several functionalities for seamless integration into your design and development workflow:

  • Import: You can use our design tool plugins or directly upload your local design files. Please refer to the file compatibility.
  • Convert: Convert uploaded files to Daruma files conforming to VGG Specs.
  • Preview: Preview the SSR (server-side rendered) images of high quality.
  • Tweak: Modify or add additional data to your original design, such as more powerful grid layout semantics for multiple screens, as well as interaction and animation.
  • Export: Export Daruma files into other formats. Please refer to the file compatibility.
  • Publish: Distribute your design assets to any platform through Daruma CDN.

Whether you are a developer or a designer, Daruma's comprehensive features offer an efficient and seamless workflow, making design handoff and integration a breeze.

Tips: Daruma provides both online dashboard for regular users and Daruma API for developers.

Explore our guides and examples to integrate Daruma into your workflow. For any questions related to Daruma, please contact us directly, and we will be happy to assist.